WINKEL GmbH 2018 | Catalogo prodotti | Product catalogue
Sistemi di componenti | Components systems WINKEL Cuscinetti VULKOLLAN ® | VULKOLLAN ® WINKEL Bearings WINKEL Cuscinetti POLYAMIDE | POLYAMIDE WINKEL Bearings
Robust steel profile Type PG-L drilled U-profile with higher manufacturing precision Suitable for VULKOLLAN ® - and POLYAMIDE WINKEL Bearing system Ready to mount profiles with standardized thread holes All profiles sandblasted and fine straightened ± 0,3mm / lfm Surface coating according customers drawing Max. delivery length: 6 m Minimum clearance between profiles and bearings Material: S355 J2
Profilo in acciaio Tipo PG-L con fori U-profilo di precisione
Adatto per sistemi VULKOLLAN e POLYAMID WINKEL Profili in esecuzione sabbiata e raddrizzata ± 0,3mm / m Lavorazione dei profili e protezione superficiale a richie- sta cliente
Max lunghezza di produzione: 6 m Minimo gioco tra cuscinetto e profilo Materiale : S355 J2
Disegno per ordine profilo; indicare valore
estremità K Drawing for customized profile
Num. articolo Article no.
Profilo Profile
A [mm]
B [mm]
C [mm]
D [mm]
113.003.020 113.006.020 113.004.020 113.005.020
126,0 155,8 174,0 220,0
45 ± 1,0 60 ± 1,0 70 ± 1,0 70 ± 1,0
70,0 100,0 120,0 150,0
102,0 + 1,0 125,8 + 1,0 144,0 + 1,0 180,0 + 1,0
16,5 24,0 27,8 36,1
VULKOLLAN ® : Registrated Trademark of Covestro Group
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